October 17-18, 2024 | Meyer Lab retreat 2024! Two days at the beautiful CSHL Banbury campus filled with lots of science, even more food and some truffle making!
June 18th, 2024 | Many welcomes and two good byes! Lab gathering to welcome our latest lab members - Todor and Yunxin, new CSHL PhD students, Madison and Deena - new technicians in the lab and Nadia - a CSHL PREP student. We also say good bye to Salome, who heads back to France to continue with her medical trainee and Josh, who will start grad school. All the best for your studies and your future careers, Salome and Josh. We will miss you!
May 6th, 2024 | First Meyer lab PhD students graduates! Salome graduated today, impressing the attendees not only with her science, but also her impresive literal and metaphorical juggling skills!
April 22nd, 2024 | Congratulations, Dr. Carcy! Salome successfully defended her thesis on her T cells meet their fate in the thymus!
March 19th, 2024 | Alex presenting at the PFF symposium! Alex presented his work on lineage tracing of thymic epithelial cells on the Partners for the Future symposium. We are lucky, he'll stay for the summer before heading of to college.
January 25th, 2024 | New preprint alert Collaborative effort between the Navlahka and Meyer labs, led by our joint postdoc Amitava, where we develop a new software for TCR:pMHC binding predictions. Check out the preprint: BATMAN.
January 25th, 2024 | Mentorship award Congratulations to Hannah for receiving the CSHL Women in Science and Engineering Faculty Mentorship award!
December 8th, 2023 | New preprint alert Led by Salome and in collaboration with Laurent Gapin, we unraveled the development and functionality of Tinn cells, emphasizing their role in immune responses and their potential as targets for therapeutic interventions. Check out the preprint.
November 29th, 2023 | New preprint alert We developed a new tool for the design of high-throughput TCR specificity assays, that allow for error detection and automated read-out of the peptid specificity. Check out Vasilisa's work: copepodTCR.
July 19, 2023 | Bye, Conny! Conny is on her way to back to Germany, to finish her Master's degree. Conny expanded our tissue slice culture work and we are excited to work with the system that she has set up!
June 14-17, 2023 | First Meyer Lab retreat! A few days filled with science, hikes and food (German, Indian, French and Russian Cusisine)!
May 19, 2023 | Maha joins the Meyer lab! We are excited to welcome Maha Syed to the team. Maha is a CSHL graduate student who rotated with us in the spring and will conduct her thesis research in the Meyer lab.
May 8, 2023 | Welcome to the Meyer lab, Vasilisa! Vasilisa Kolavela has started as computatinal science developer, following on from her Master's work on analysing TCR epitope diversity. Welcome to the team, Vasilisa!
April 28th, 2023 | Public discussion about sexism in science! Hannah is one of the panelist in a discussion centered around sexism in science and why it’s necessary to change the world if we want a truly level playing field for women and minorities in science. Check out the recording here.
April 17th, 2023 |
Victoria presenting her project at the PFF symposium!
Victoria presented her project on tracing thymocyte development and lineage
choice in the mouse thymus. It's also her last day in the lab, we wish her
all the best for college!
April 3, 2023 | Welcome to the lab, Rish! Rishvanth Prabakar started as a Postdoc in out lab to study TEC - T cell interaction. Just in time for spring with nicer weather and cake outside. Welcome, Rish!
February 6, 2023 | Welcome, Conny! Cornelia Wincek has joined us for a Master's rotation from Heidelberg, Germany. Welcome to the lab, Conny!
January 6, 2023 | Excited to welcome Amitava to the Meyer Lab! Amitava Banerjee has started a joint Postdoc in the Meyer and Navlakha labs to study negative selection in the thymus as a learning algorithm. We are very excited to have him join the team!
January 1, 2023 | Congratulations to your promotion, Hannah! Our lab's PI has been promoted to Assistant Professor. Congratulations!
October 18, 2022 | Welcome to Meyer lab, Yong! Yong Lin has started a Postdoc in our lab to study the genetics of human T cell development, really excited to have him join the team!
August 17, 2022 | The thymus is going public! Great story on the biology behind your inner mini-self and the ignore list it equips your immune system with on one of our favorite science podcasts: Radiolab: inner workings. Featuring our work and live scenes with @CarcySalome from our lab @cshl!
August 2, 2022 | New paper alert! Jason's paper on transcriptomic diversity in human mTECs is out in Nature Communications. Sarah's built a shiny app to make our results on transcriptomic diversity in thymic epithelial accessible to you all, check out her Diversity browser. For a layman's summary, have a look at this nice write up by the CSHL public affairs team!
August 2, 2022 | New webpage section! The Meyer lab now has a news section, for announcement on open positions, published work etc. Watch this space :).