
BATMAN - Bayesian Inference of Activation of TCR by Mutant Antigens: python package for predicting TCR activation by mutant peptides based on their distances to the TCR's index peptide. BATMAN can be used for within-TCR and cross-TCR predictions and in active learning mode to design TCR activation assays.

copepodTCR - COmbinatorial PEptide POoling Design for TCR specificity: python package and webtool for the design of combinatorial peptide pooling schemes for TCR speficity assays. CopepodTCR guides the user through all stages of the experimental design and interpretation, including pooling schemes, peptide mixing layouts and results evaluation.

R/CRAN framework for simulating genotype to phenotype relationships. It can model multiple traits with multiple underlying genetic loci as well as complex covariate and observational noise structure. This package has been designed to work with many common genetic tools both for input and output.

R/CRAN package for common genotype quality control steps. It provides an easily applicable workflow from per-individual and per-marker quality control to the generation of the new, quality-controlled dataset. The outcomes of each quality control step are summarised in a quality control report.

Python module for computationally efficient joint genetic analysis of high-dimensional phenotypes, using linear mixed models with bootstrapping.